We embarked on a remarkable journey, reaching far beyond borders to touch lives in a small, rural village, Alpitya, Sri Lanka. This heartwarming project shows the power of kindness, proving that even from miles away, LIONS can make a difference in the lives of those who need it most. "42 seniors live here, with half of them being bedridden and mentally challenged". We are so grateful to Lion Era Wick Batugahage & Sreshta for the generous sponsorship. This is a memorable service in honor of her late mother & Father in law. Thanks a lot for our volunteers, My dearest friends. Lion Malar Velusamy Chandrasekaram, Rani Wettasinghe and Asoka.
"Say No to Hunger - Sri Lanka 2024 " a continuous project organized by NorCal Helping Hands Lions had a significant impact with the completion of phase 4 at Marcsri Saranaseva Senior Living Home in Katukurunda-Kalutara, Sri Lanka.
Our sincere Thanks to Keshini Samerawickreme for her sponsorship to make this project successful. The project included a warm buffet and deserts and further bath towel packs were donated to each senior.
Marcsri Homes offers shelter, compassion, and a family to about 50 elderly and Mentally, physically, disabled individuals, providing a secure and inclusive environment for all. Thank you, Lion Chandrika from Lions Club of SJP Kotte, Devapriya Gajaweera and Gayan Potuhera for your excellent volunteer service on organizing, purchasing, and transporting to make this successful.
NorCal Helping Hands Lions, for your incredible service!
Hearts, Inspiring Hope: Hunger Project in Kandy, Sri Lanka
The NorCal Helping Hands Lions Club, in partnership with the Lions Club of Katugastota, launched a Hunger Project to support the Singitho Uyana Children’s Home in Mahaiyawa, Sri Lanka. This home provides care and hope to children abandoned by their parents.
A nutritious lunch was served to 202 children, bringing smiles and a sense of community to all involved. This project reflects the Lions' mission of addressing hunger and ensuring no child is left behind.
Our heartfelt thanks to NorCal Helping Hands for initiating this effort and to the Lions Club of Katugastota for coordinating it. Together, Yes, We Can Do It
Empowering Futures: The Hunger Project in Kandy, Sri Lanka! 🌟
We're excited to announce the remarkable success of our recent Hunger Project in the Kandy Region of Sri Lanka. This collaborative effort between your NorCal Helping Hands Club and the Lions Club of Katugastota made a significant impact. Our special Thanks to Lion Malar for finding this place and initiating the project.
Location: Benedictine Boys Home Beneficiaries: Approximately 35 students under 15 years of age, sadly abandoned by their parents, were the focus of this initiative. Project Phases: December 19th: We began with a heartwarming event, providing Pizza and essential school supplies to these deserving children, ensuring they have the tools they need to pursue their education with enthusiasm.
A continuous project organized by NorCal Helping Hands Lions Club successfully completed it’s third Phase on June 22nd 2023. The project covered 82 under privileged children at Meth Sevana, Sri Lanka with the aim providing a remedy to the on going hunger crisis in the country. Special thanks to lion Samantha and lion Erangi for making this project a success. Await our next phase of this project!
We did a project for hunger. Lion Samantha did another Hunger project
Collaborated with Wickramasingapura Lions club. Lunch served for 122 students who are coming from low income families. And they barely get even breakfast.
The NorCal Helping Hands Lions Club successfully completed its first "Hunger" project at the Meth Foundation in Colombo. This place is a home for disabled and mentally challenged children.
During the project, the club provided a healthy, warm lunch and donated essential items specifically for the girls at the facility. The project served 130 individuals, making a meaningful impact on their lives.
This initiative reflects the club's dedication to addressing hunger and supporting vulnerable communities.
At Lions District convention Day 1. "Rise Against Hunger" 10000 meal packaging done by multiple club members. Including NorCal Helping Hands Lions.