"Say No to Hunger - Sri Lanka 2024 " a continuous project organized by NorCal Helping Hands Lions had a significant impact with the completion of phase 4 at Marcsri Saranaseva Senior Living Home in Katukurunda-Kalutara, Sri Lanka.
Our sincere Thanks to Keshini Samerawickreme for her sponsorship to make this project successful. The project included a warm buffet and deserts and further bath towel packs were donated to each senior.
Marcsri Homes offers shelter, compassion, and a family to about 50 elderly and Mentally, physically, disabled individuals, providing a secure and inclusive environment for all. Thank you, Lion Chandrika from Lions Club of SJP Kotte, Devapriya Gajaweera and Gayan Potuhera for your excellent volunteer service on organizing, purchasing, and transporting to make this successful.
NorCal Helping Hands Lions, for your incredible service!